
Welcome to our curated list of Substacks published by midlife women.

Looking to read or connect with women writing about what it’s like to be in this stage of life?

That’s why we are compiling a curated collection of Substacks for and by midlife women.

Not all of these writers write about midlife issues (aging, caretaking, menopause, health, etc) exclusively but they all could easily be placed in the “midlife” niche. In other words, being “midlife” is not just occasionally mentioned but is a core part of the identity of the Substack.

They share different perspectives and experiences and do not necessarily reflect our point of view on a whole range of issues. We are not endorsing all of the opinions expressed in these Substacks.

The following criteria also must be met:

  • publish regularly (at least 1-2 month).

  • feature well-crafted, engaging essays and articles.

  • The primary target audience should be midlife women.

Since this is a curated list, not all publications that submit to the directory will be included. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. This list will be updated on a regular basis (at least once or twice a month).

NOTE: We have a very open perspective on the age range of what is considered “midlife.” For us, it’s more of a state of mind, rather than a specific age range.

Interested in being included in the directory?

Submit your publication