Join a Writing Group

Since 2013 we've been building a community of midlife women who write. From all walks of life and all writing backgrounds. 

At the start of the pandemic, we started leading small writing groups very different than the writing classes we usually teach.

We called these groups Small Steps in Uncertain Times. 

In these groups, we post prompts and exercises as opportunities to inspire and get writing to flow. To try out a new writing strategy. To respond to a reading or a prompt. To explore a memory. To make sense of what you're feeling right then, in the world today.

Something incredible has happened over the past years. Each group formed its own tight-knit community of women learning and growing with each other. Some of these groups are still together, sharing their writing and lives.

Years later all of us are still living in uncertain times. Our midlife selves are still adapting and overwhelmed. It's more important than ever to share our stories.

Join our Fall Writing Group here: October 16 - November 11