Thanks for featuring my post, Jessica! And for sharing these great essays with us.

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Jessica, Thank you for feturing my post and introducing us to so many grest writers. Thrilled to be a part of Midstory and thankful for your support.

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Brilliant, thanks for the recommends, I love finding new publications 🧡

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Awesome, isn't it? Tracy's story got featured too

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Whoop! Totally amazing Kristina 🙌🏼🧡

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Thrilled to be in such wonderful company here - thank you for including me!

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Great posts! I've written one recently I'm proud of, because it's about what might help keep us healthy as we age. It's about the power of awe, with a little of the science about it thrown in. Here it is: https://magicsilverbullet.substack.com/p/i-feel-awe-and-it-might-save-me

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Oh love this! Thank you for sharing!

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Thank you so much!!

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I'm so honored to be included!

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Nice. Thanks for amplifying Tracy's message. Love your pub and it's vision

Looking forward to our live interview whatever we have time for 😆

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Yes! Me too!

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This is another fantastic idea. I'll be looking forward to these roundups.

I recently wrote about my writing journey as a midlifer. It's called Heartbreak and Healing: a writers tale -- https://lanivcox.substack.com/p/heartbreak-and-healing-a-writers

Thanks for creating this space, xo

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Love this midlife writing community you are building, Jessica! Thank you so much- honored to be featured alongside so many talented writers! I appreciate you...

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