We’re compiling our first ever HerStories Project/Midstory Magazine End of the Year Gift Guide, and we are looking for your recommendations.
We want to create a list of favorite things to get for ourselves, women at midlife. Not for our children, or partners, or pets, or in-laws, or neighbors.
Tell us one thing you truly loved and you’d recommend to another midlife woman.
It could be:
a book
piece of art or craft
a skin care/hair/health product
an item of clothing
something for your kitchen or house
a course or class (writing or otherwise)
something that a writer would love
a tech gadget that you find essential
The item might be useful — or delightfully frivolous. It might be something to inspire, or to soothe or entertain.
We would particularly love to hear from midlife creators — authors, artists, teachers, crafters — who might recommend their own creations, products, or services.
Please post below (tell us about the item, why you recommend it, and a link to buy it) or email us at jessandsteph@theherstoriesproject.com.
Looking forward to this roundup! Although not a "thing" - The Lady's Illness Library that Rae Katz is building out here on Substack has been one of the most useful things to me to glean wisdom from other women, mostly in midlife, who deal with chronic illness.
I don't have a specific item of clothing to recommend (I buy secondhand and handcrafted and think this is very personal) BUT want to put out there that I recently read somewhere (wish I could remember where specifically) that in midlife it's nice to dress for flow, not constriction. That has stuck with me.
In terms of specific tangible things, Untamed by Glennon Doyle is the number one book I'd recommend.
I invest in Moleskine journals for my daily journaling practice. A quality receptacle keeps me consistent. If I don’t use it, I wasted a lot of money on an expensive book. Here’s a link to the one I prefer: https://www.moleskine.com/en-us/shop/notebooks/the-original/classic-notebook-black-8053853602800.html